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hear of / hear about 표현 hear of ~의 존재를 듣다 대상 자체를 말할 때 of 사용 hear about ~에 관하여 듣다 대상에 대한 여러가지 것들에 대해 들었을 때 사용 예문 Of course I have heard of that singer's name! I can't say anything because i didn't hear about the details of it. I heard of the term on the news but i didn't hear about what it meant. 교정 받은 표현 get recommendations from I'm not interesting so much => I am not that intrested Yes, I have heard of those words .. 더보기
based on / go on 표현 on ~에 닿아있다라는 어감에서 다양한 뜻 파생됨!! ~에 관한, ~위에 등등 based on 기반하다, 바탕하다 go on 계속되다, 지속되다 예문 The discussion was on our new buisness item. My lecture is based on the things that i learned for 20 years. 2Pac's 'life goes on' is one of the greatest hip hop songs in the history of rap. 교정 받은 표현 sleep paralysis => 수면 마비 => 우리나라 말로 가위 눌린 증상인듯.. Actually, I wrote a novel => i'm actually writing a novel. The .. 더보기
count on / rely on 표현 count on 믿다 rely on 의존하다 예문 I am looking for a teammate that i can count on. Mordern people rely on their phones too much in their daily lives. I don't think it's a good habit to rely on drinking coffee to stay awake. 교정 받은 표현 It's so weird their feet => Their feet are weird. Squishy => 질퍽한, 흐늘흐늘한 Around on me => Around me around = already a preposition(we cannot put them next to each other) .. 더보기
have + p.p 현재 완료 표현 have + p.p 과거의 행위가 현재까지 영향을 미치는 경우 과거부터 현재까지 지속되는 경우 현재의 결과를 강조하고 싶은 경우 위의 경우에 단순 과거형보다 현재완료로 표현 가능함 예문 I have finished my homework at last. we have been in this company together for 4 years. I have finally sold my car to a used car market. 교정 받은 표현 small celebration => 소소하게 기념한 파티에 대해서 이야기 할 때 not special 하지 말고 이거 사용하면 더 조음 gave a custom cake. => gave ME a customIZED cake. A wall decoration .. 더보기
in case that/of + A 표현 in case (that) + A(주어+ 동사 순) A 할 경우에는, A할 경우를 대비하여 that 은 주로 생략하는 경우가 많음 in case of + A(명사) A 할 경우에는, A할 경우를 대비하여 예문 in case of an emergency, do not use the elevator. In case you forget, I will remind you tomorrow. in case there is an urgent meeting, i always bring my labtop with me. 교정 받은 표현 There is so many cloud. => There ARE so many clouds. I can get on my car (대체 뭔소리람...ㅋ) => Oh, then le.. 더보기
so that vs now that 표현 so that ~ 있도록 now that ~이므로, ~이기 때문에 ex) Now that you mention it -> 너가 말해서 말인데 ~ 예문 You need to finish your homework by today so that you can hand it in tomorrow. Now that I'm legally an adult as of today, I can buy alcohol. I decided to move to Manhattan so that i can learn more about fashion design. 교정 받은 표현 strongly opinions => STRONG opinion I'm live with my family. => I'm living with my .. 더보기
make 와 let 의 의미 차이 표현 make ~하게 만들다 말하는 이의 의지가 더 담겨 있음 make that do that / pushing to do it let ~하게 두다 허락의 의미가 더 강함 agreeing 예문 You can't make them leave this building because you have no right to do it. Amy won't let me do it because she thinks I'm not ready for this. I can't understand why my parents make me give this up. 교정 받은 표현 they are know that. => they know that (왜그랬을까... I like it too but I think the Chemi.. 더보기
off 의 끄다 말고 다른 뜻(멀리하다/쉬다/미루다/울리다/상하다) 표현 stay off - 멀리하다(to avoid something) take a day off - 쉬다 put off - 미루다 go off - 울리다/상하다 예문 I can't believe that i need to stay off of beer for a couple of months. I've been working overtime since last month. I need to take a week off. I told her to stay off of salty foods to lower her cholesterol. why do you keep putting off going to the dentist? You need to throw away that yogurt because it h.. 더보기
hard to me vs hard for me to+A vs for+A 직접적으로 영향이 있는지에 따라서 구분해서 사용! 단순히 보기에/느끼기에 어렵다는 의미로 말할 땐 to 사용 That looks hard to me. 나에게 직접적으로 어렵다는 것이 영향을 미치는 것을 말할 땐 for 사용 That is hard for me. 예문 I don't believe it because it still seems so weird to me. I'm not usually interested in computer games but that looks quite fun to me. Even though I put so much effort on this subject, It's still difficult for me. 교정 받은 표현 Some things .. 더보기
whose 표현 whose 누구의~ (앞에 있는) ~의 예문 Whose bike is this? I told you guys not to ride bikes in here! We would like to hire a person whose college major is econonics. I want to marry a person whose character or interests are silmilar to mine. 교정 받은 표현 I wanted to more sweet to others. => I wanted to be more sweet to others. I putting some beads in the canvas. => I'm putting some beads ON the canvas. It is .. 더보기
as + A (A하면서/대로) 표현 as + A A 하면서/대로 You will get used to it as time goes by. (시간이 지나면서 ~) Accepting things as they are (일들을 그냥 그대로 ~) 예문 As we were heading to my place, we talked about my wedding. You look fine now, so just stay the way as you are. As i was driving home yesterday,I stopped by my favorite ice cream shop. 교정 받은 표현 I'm work in my home => I'm work FROM home today. Other people thinks of too => Other.. 더보기
say vs tell 표현 say 듣는 사람을 염두에 두지 않고 말로 무언가 표현하는 행위 자체를 나타냄 tell 듣는 사람이 문장속에 드러나 있고 누군가에제 정보를 전달하는 경우에 주로 사용 예문 You have to say something when you go on a blind date. if you want me to solve this problem, you should tell me their names. I told him to stop playing the computer game but he didn't listen. 교정 받은 표현 Yes, I have a lot of times. => 많은 경험을 가진 것은 이미 지나간 일 그러므로 had => Yes, I had it a lot of times. I t.. 더보기
