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go well with 표현 go (well) with + A ~와 잘어울린다 예문 Please show me some ties that would go well with my jacket. Soju does not go well with chicken or pizza. 교정 받은 표현 go well with the beer most => go well with the beer THE most bubbling => sparking subtle => 미묘한, 감지하기 힘든 three times a week => thrice a week 더보기
plus-size fashion 표현 encompass 포괄하다 stride 진전 trajectory 궤도,방향 sartorial 의류의 예문 The new museum exhibit will encompass a wide range of art forms. After months of hard work, my team made significant strindes in improving the productivity. This company's marketing strategy is expected to change the trajectory of its sales growth. The fashion designer's latest collection showcased his sartorial expertise. 교정 받은 표현 I'.. 더보기
under the weather 표현 under the weather 컨디션이 좋지 않다 예문 She wanted to hang out with her friends but she was under the weather so she went home. Since I was under the weather, Our team members struggled with completing the project. 교정 받은 표현 I think she didn't doing anything => I think she didn't DO anything The picture shows a woman has a sick => The picture shows a woman who is sick. The tissues is front of her => T.. 더보기
overtourism 표현 overtourism 과잉관광 NEW WORD exacerbate 약화시키다 flock 무리(많은 수의), 무리 지어 모이다 congestion 혼잡 strain 부담, 중압 예문 The heavy rain excerbated the flood, causing even more damage to the city. The birds flocked together in the sky, creating a display of synchronized flight. The city's rush hour traffic led to severe congestion on the high way. the constant demands of work and familiyput a strain on her mental.. 더보기
get at 표현 get at 비판하다 - 사용시 에는 현재 진행형으로 사용 접근하다 예문 Although he is always getting at her, she remains calm. Put the glass on the shelf so kids can't get at it. What i heard is, the government will strictly prohibit people from getting at confidential files. 교정 받은 표현 to wait my new card => to wait for my new card. It's not matter => it doesn't matter We have a identified number. => We have an identified .. 더보기
get back at / get back to 표현 get back at 복수하다 get back to 답장하다 예문 I can't stop thinking about how I'm going to get back at her. I needed to have a bigger influence in order to get back at him. I should have gotten back to you right away but i was quite busy. 교정 받은 표현 "get back at" means to take revenge on someone for something they have done to you "get back to" means to return to something that you were doing before bei.. 더보기
get away (with) 표현 get away(with) 훌쩍 떠나다, 휴가를 떠나다 (with) 가지고 달아나다, 처벌 없이 빠져나가다 예문 Are you planning to get away to some place this weekend? 3 industrial spies got away with the company's secrets worth 2 million dollars. So many bad people and criminals are getting away with what they did. 교정 받은 표현 correct time => punctual it is tired because a lot of people take the subway => It is tiring ~ tired -- to describe .. 더보기
this / that is where 표현 this / that is where (여기가/거기가) ~한 부분이다 예문 This is where it gets very difficult to understand what he meant. That is where you might feel a little awkward or uncomfortable. This is where you need to say some encouraging words to your students. 교정 받은 표현 tactless => 요령[눈치] 없는 = insensitive tactful Oh really? Until which part have you read? Then, keep reading it! That's where the story gets reall.. 더보기
get across / get ahead 표현 get across 이해시키다, 전달하다 get ahead 앞서나가다 예문 I tried my best to get my point across during the debate. Maybe, you failed to get your message across to your team memebers. We need to work twice as hard to get ahead of the other competitors. 교정 받은 표현 I don't know why they are fight. => I don't know why they are fighting I have to choice about a or b. => I have to choose between a or b. We always c.. 더보기
over 검토하다/상의하다 표현 think over 검토하다 talk over 상의하다 예문 Let me think over the offer before i give you an answer. We talked over whether we should expand our business or not. The doctor and i talked over when i was going to have the surgery. 교정 받은 표현 I usually talk over my friends that interesting ideas => I usually talk over interesting ideas with my friends. didn't tell me solve thing => could not give me a prope.. 더보기
once ~하면 / ~하자 표현 once ~하면 ~하자(~하기 시작하자) 예문 Once i made up my mind to start working out, i got really healthy. She adapted to her job quickly once she started working with our team. Once i finally quit this job, i'm going to start traveling all around the world. 교정 받은 표현 linking verb (am, is, are, was, were)------------- -ing Yes, I'm learn this from online class. => Yes, I'm learning it through an online cour.. 더보기
given ~ 임을 고려하면, ~을 감안할 때 표현 given (that) ~임을 고려하면 예문 Given that you're taller than other people, you don't weigh that much actually. Given the fact that it was your first day, you did a pretty good job. I think i deserve a bigger salary given my record at the workplace this year. 교정 받은 표현 I think he listens carefully to our opinion or with communication. => I think a good boyfriend listens carefully to my opinions and c.. 더보기
