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anything vs something

something vs anything

간단하게 말하자면

some 은 긍정을 풍기는 문장에 / any 은 부정을 풍기는 문장에 보통 사용

do you have something to drink ?

=> (있지?, 있을거야 ~ 의 뉘앙스) 마실것 좀 있어?

do you hay anything to drink?

=> (없을테지만) 마실거 좀 있어?



  • I have someting to tell you.
  • Do you remember anything about this missing kid?
  • I have some better ideas, so please listen to me.


교정받은 표현


I was just working
=> I just working (비동사도 동사도 쓰고 싶은 나..)

I'm try my best to understand them
=> I'm tryING my best to understand them

I feel little bit
=> I can feel it a little bit

When I was a child, I want to become a writer
=> When I was a child, I wanted to become a writer
과거임을 잊지말라..

I realized that I'm not good to writing
=> I realized that I'm not good AT writing

We have to enjoy
=> We enjoyED
시제를 주의하라..

If I want to, I go there
=> If I want to, I WILL go there
시제를 주의하라..2

Take a covid vaccinate
=> Take a covid vaccine

'study-english' 카테고리의 다른 글

to + V (to 부정사)  (0) 2023.05.22
It's + A + to V  (0) 2023.05.20
예약, reservation vs appointment ?  (0) 2023.05.16
end up + A-ing  (0) 2023.05.14
don't you have + A  (0) 2023.05.12