study-english 썸네일형 리스트형 get 의 여러 의미 get 구어체에서는 많은 단어가 get 으로 표현이 거의 가능하다. 대략 받다/사다/얻다 의 의미로 사용되곤 함 get+A A한 상태가 되다/이르다 예문 Did you get the letter from your sister? Where did you get this new washing machine? I think I need to get some rest tonight. I get happy when i eat hamburgers. His clothes got dirty after the game. I get more thirsty when i work out here. He got angry at his computer. 교정 받은 표현 I not often eat dessert. => I rar.. 더보기 너 진짜 지루하다 vs 나 지루해(ing vs ed) A-ing => describe something => 주어의 존재자체가 A 하다 A-ed => describe someone's feeling => 주어가 무언가에 대해 A 라는 감정을 가지고(느끼고) 있다 나만 이렇게 뭘 써야할지 헷갈리는 것 인가... 예문 I was so embarrassed yesterday. I am excited about becoming an aunt. Looking after children is tiring. 교정 받은 표현 I just watching Youtube => I just watch Youtube videos. I have a plan in July. => I have a plan to travel in July. we live so far away.. =>.. 더보기 before vs ago before vs ago before 꼭 과거형에만 쓰이지 않음 시제 상관 없이 사용이 가능함! 뒤에 기준이 되는 시간이 오는 경향이 있다 ago 현재를 기준으로 절대적 과거를 표현할 때 사용 예문 I bought the computer before it was sold out. I already finished my homework 2 hours ago. That happend 5 years ago, even befre we moved in here. 교정 받은 표현 Other people says I am a very good remember something happens => other people say I can remember things easily => other people think .. 더보기 sort/kind of sort/kind of ~ 종류의 조금, 약간 감기를 너무 심하게 알아서 지난주 2번 영어 전화를 못했다 ㅜㅜ 예문 I don't like this sort/kind of smartphone design. What sort/kind of exercise do you usually do? I felt sort/kind of cold and tired this morning. 교정 받은 표현 My company advance this package. It's kind of benefit. => My company provides medical check-up package for me every year. medical check up annual physical evaluation reminding to .. 더보기 a/an vs the a/an 은 수많은 것들 중 하나를 칭할 때 the 는 특정한 하나를 이야기 할 때 이렇게 나누기가 참 애매하다..결국은 감으로 쓰는 것인가.. A: This is a banana --대화중-- B: Where is the banana? 예문 Put a finger on the card. I bought a new backpack and it's better that the old one. I saw an actor yesterday and he was the guy who played Batman. 교정 받은 표현 They are good at singer => They are good writers and songwriters. It's kind of habit when in my work => It.. 더보기 take vs bring take 은 말하는 사람으로부터 멀어지는 상황일 때 사용 take implies movement away from something bring 은 말하는 사람에게 가까워지는 상황일 때 사용 bring implies movement toward something I will take an umbrella. -> 우산 가져갈게(너한테서 가져감) I will bring an umbrella -> 우산 가져갈게(너에게로 가져감) 예문 Can i take this umbrella to my home? They took away something he really loves. Jimmy, can you bring your labtop to the office? 교정 받은 표현 i think one years ago.. 더보기 S + is/are + A 영어는 명사 로 말하길 좋아함 ! 너 춤 진짜 잘춘다 ! => you dance very well (X) => You are a good dancer ! (O) 예문 I can survive in ther water. I'm a good swimmer. I was very impressed by his speech. He is a smart talker. He can win the race. He is quite a fast runner. 교정 받은 표현 I'm working at house. => I'm working from home. because when I'm make some food it taste not good. => because whenever I cook some food it ta.. 더보기 by + A or with + A by + A => 방법을 말할 때 by => I cut the steak in half by using a knife. with + A => 도구를 말할 때 with => I cut the steak in half with knife. 예문 please write down your mane with this pen You can make it soft by rubbing it very hard We can only solve this problem by using our wisdom. 교정 받은 표현 It is satisfied me => It makes me satisfied. not too much, not heavy (음식) => Balanced 라고 말할 수 있음 ~ I think I'm prob.. 더보기 to + V (to 부정사) to + v ~ 에게 앞에 나온 말을 꾸밀 때( I have a book TO read ) 목적을 이야기할 때( I read a book TO learn something ) 예문 I can't go to the party. I have an essay to write. You have to start exercising to lose some weight. Do you have any special places to visit for this weekend ? 교정받은 표현 Make money is really hard. -> Making money is really hard. It's enough time. => I still have a enough time More excited things. =.. 더보기 It's + A + to V it '그것' 이라는 뜻도 있지만 가주어 로 사용해서 주어를 가볍게 말해주는 걸 선호함 It's + A + to V V 하는 건 A 해 예문 It is crazy to go outside in this bad weather. It is so fun to think about my vacation. It is difficult to remember it right now. 교정받은 표현 I'm not prepared like a meeting => I'm afraid of not beiing prepared enough I think Korea is better than other country in robbery => 한국이 강도는 다른 나라보다 낫다는 뜻이 된다고 함...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's kind .. 더보기 anything vs something something vs anything 간단하게 말하자면 some 은 긍정을 풍기는 문장에 / any 은 부정을 풍기는 문장에 보통 사용 do you have something to drink ? => (있지?, 있을거야 ~ 의 뉘앙스) 마실것 좀 있어? do you hay anything to drink? => (없을테지만) 마실거 좀 있어? 예문 I have someting to tell you. Do you remember anything about this missing kid? I have some better ideas, so please listen to me. 교정받은 표현 I was just working => I just working (비동사도 동사도 쓰고 싶은 나..) I'm try.. 더보기 예약, reservation vs appointment ? reservation 식당, 좌석 등의 예약을 말할 때 사용 Q. 글램핑, 액티비티, 스킨 스쿠버 같은 것은? -> reservation 특정 PLACES 의 예약을 말할 때 사용 appointment 의사, 변호사 등의 예약을 말할 때 사용! Q. 헤어 디자이너, 테라피스트?, 짐 트레이너, 모든 사람과의 약속을 말할 때 인지? -> 반은 맞고 반은 틀림 특정 SERVICES 의 제공자를 이야기 할 때(조금 모호한 것 같긴 함, 하지만 appointment 가 좀 더 포멀한 느낌) 예문 I have an appointment with my lawyer. I just made a reservation for two seats. I made a reservation at a hotel for vacatio.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 10 다음