본문 바로가기


From what i + A

as i know 아님 ! ㅋㅋ

From what i understand
내가 아는 바로는


From what i + A

내가 A 한 바로는







  • From what i hear, Tom plans to move to Chicago next month.
  • Edward is not going to ask her out, from what i know.
  • Connor's business is getting pretty big, from what i see.
  • From what i know, The Johnsons don't live there anymore.


교정 받은 표현

Not only for me, also for my friends too.
=> Not only for me, BUT also for my friends too.
tired / tiring
satistied / satistying
=> person / things, situation
talk to our lives
우리 일상에 대해 이야기를 한다고 할 땐
=> talk about our lives
talk to you => 너랑 이야기를 함
talk about you => 너의 이야기를 함 (너가 이야기의 주제가 됨)
give me flower in public space
=> give me flowers in A public space
Johnson's family => 존슨의 가족
The Johnsons Family => 존슨가
I have to make a choice every day in life
=> 더 멋진? 말로 알려주심
=> Going against my will(not going according to your choice)
Example: Things are going against my will.
The money can't make happy
=> Their money can't make them happy
=> Money can't buy happiness

'study-english' 카테고리의 다른 글

Don't ever + A  (0) 2023.04.26
no chance of + A  (0) 2023.04.22
confuse A with B  (0) 2023.04.18
be faced with + A  (0) 2023.04.16
keep + A + from happening  (0) 2023.04.14